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OUGD503 Responsive: Interim Evaluation

Overall I have found this module to be exciting, as it's create the step up from student into being a professional. It's a good feeling knowing that people enjoy my work, and would like it to brand, sell, etc. 

Saying that, so far this module has been put as less of a priority, due to module hand ins. Now I have more time to work on my live and competition briefs, I intend on giving them the effort they deserve. After all, producing good work for clients now could lead to a larger network of clients I could work with, through recommendation. 

Live Briefs
At first, I found these were difficult to find, and did not know of a way to solve this. However, I found that by promoting my work on Behance, I had a few people speaking to me about doing them some work.  

I have also learnt to not be ashamed of asking people if they need work done for them, as it will help me gain experience. 

Competition Briefs
Having analysed competition briefs in a few of the studio sessions, I have started to dislike competition briefs much more. They are often way too open, making me feel drowned in ideas, with no idea of what to produce. However, I think it's been great to learn how to analyse the briefs, and find out exactly what is wanted. 

Charging For Work
This has been an issue for me, as I haven't been sure exactly how much to charge. One project will give me 15% commission of the prints (I have designed) when they're sold, which I think is fair. I have also done a lot of work for free, which isn't what I wanted to do. I plan on charging a set price per hour in the future, roughly £15 an hour. 

Size of Brief
This seems to be an issue that has been difficult to solve. So far, most of the live briefs I have been working on have been relatively small. I intend on trying to find larger live briefs to work on, or possibly larger competition briefs. 

Due to being so busy with other modules, I have spent very little time blogging my live briefs. I intend on catching up on this now, since I have more time. 

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