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OUGD505: Studio Brief 1 - Japanese Stab Stitch Binding

As a perfect example of high quality, considered Japanese design, I wanted to use Japanese Stab Stitching. This is something I haven't ever tried before, so I thought it would be good to learn on some test sheets. I used the same amount of pages I intend on using for my actual publication, and stock roughly at the same thickness. 

I followed this tutorial:

The result is below:


Overall I was pleased with the result. I have struggled to get binding right before, but I think Japanese stap stitch was much easier to do than I had initially imagined. I intend on using this with my actual publication. I am going to have to allow an extra 1cm bleed within the spine, to allow for the binding.  I also think I may not risk double page spread images, as they could be difficult to line up.

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