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OUGD505: Studio Brief 1 - Crit

Below you can see the things I prepared for the crit:

- Mock up of Japanese Stab Stitch Binding 
- A variety of stocks I could print on
- The 3 packaging nets
- The publication printed at a 1:1 scale. 


Main Points Raised:

The (+1) show that more than one person agreed on the point.
I have also highlighted the main points I need to address. 

- Well considered stock choice (+2)
- Overall contemporary, sophisticated design (+1)
- All aspects are well thought out, eg. stock, binding method, type
- Really love the Japanese type + binding, very appropriate to topic
- Very simple, clean, grid based layout!
- Like the idea of Japanese 'hole' for packaging.

Areas for Improvement: 
- Black stock doesn;t flow with choice of stock for publication
- Intro page - looks closer to the margin on English side
- Page 11 layout is too spaced out, too confusing for the eye. 
- Page 15 bottom is out of grid and doesn't align with page 15

- Maybe try and justify text in columns, to match your grid system. 
- Inside margin needs to be bigger, to allow for the binding. 
- Black thread for binding. 
- Watch out for the design falling into the spine, you will will need an extra 5mm in the spine. 
- Are you going to screen print of laser cut onto the cover for the title? 

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