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OUGD504 - Design For Print (34) - Final Crit & Feedback

I printed my work, as seen below. The covers and binding haven't been done for the reference book, but I have included an example of my intentions. I also included the prints (in order) for the reference book, as well as my almost completed book on screen. 


I asked the following questions:

Do you think the colour scheme works through the 'process & finishes' book?

Would you find the inclusion of interviews interesting?

Overal, I was not pleased with my feedback whatsoever. Most of this was on my behalf. I stupidly left the password lock on, meaning only one person who left me comments could see the 60+, almost completed book. The majority could only view the reference book, which has very little written content. I feel extremely disappointed in myself for it, but have learnt to take a password lock off for my next crit. 


People like the idea of including interviews, as it is different to just focusing on the print process itself. 

The idea of a reference book. 

The stock in the reference book work well together. 


'The prints in the reference book seem repetitive' - The reason behind this is a focus on a contrast in processes, so the user can see differences in the same design. 

'Information needs much more classification and detail' - From someone who also said they couldn't view the 'process & finishes' book! 

For next weeks 'Design For Web' Crit, I intend on making my information much easier to understand and TAKE THE PASSWORD OFF MY MAC!

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