Spend 3 minutes highlighting key words in your brief.
- You want to filter out the terrible words, e.g. fascinating, interesting, 'metaphorical journey', broadest
- Briefs use these kinds of words as they don't know what they're asking for!
Pick 1 brief and answer the following questions on it:
5 problems that you want to solve:
1. Very little public knowledge of typography or typographic terms.
2. No appropriate interior or exterior.
3. Creating a visual identity almost sheerly through the use of typography.
4. An appropriate design for an appropriate audience.
5. No current promotional material, through either print or web.
5 facts about subject and content:
1. Mutton quad is a typographic term, which can act as a pun.
2. People are obsessed with restaurants, and constantly critique them.
3. Restaurants offer a different environment to other meals.
4. Going to a restaurant can either be a special occasion, or something quick.
5. There are a lot of food programmes on television.
5 facts about intended audience:
1. Eating in a restaurant is treated as a unique and different experience.
2. They are experimental with their options.
3. Young professionals with a largely disposable income.
4. They are creatives, working and living in a creative environment.
5. They enjoy knowing of 'that nice little place in (insert place name here). Non chains.
5 things you want to communicate:
1. A knowledge of typography and it's anatomy.
2. A highly sophisticated brand.
3. An experience different to main competing restaurants.
4. A memorable and timeless brand.
5. A unique and easily applicable concept.
Things you don't know about this brief:
1. The exact target market - the brief says you can define your own market and how you will target it.
2. The food served in the restaurant.
3. The exact areas of typography I want to explore.
4. How to create a visual typographic identity that will appeal to my audience.
5. The overall tone of voice.
Open briefs are perceptive - you've basically been given a white piece of paper and been told to draw.
Rewrite your brief
For Next Session:
- Type up your brief - make it as specific as you possibly can, think of 5 printed products you can produce, remember that it needs to work on web
- Blog session and brief, label ISTD, brief 3 and OUGD504.