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OUGD405 - Collect, Categorise, Communicate - The Importance Of Research

10 Reasons Why Research Is An Essential Part Of The Design Process

1.    Allow you to feel inspired.
2.    You can gain a much more informed opinion.
3.    Leads you to more creative/ innovative outcome.
4.     See where others went wrong, and learn from their mistakes.
5.    It allows you to receive an understand and grasp of certain media to use.
6.    The more you research, the more you can feel motivated to work.
7.    Build a strong concept.
8.    Find factual and quantitive data that is true and from a good source.
9.    You can always go back to it to inform more ideas and better development.
10.  Find out the audience, what relates to them, and apture their attention. 

10 Research Methods That Could Be Used In Order To Affective Generate a Breadth of Source Material

1. Questionnaire/ interviews/ opinion polls - directs your specific audience for qualitative and quantitive data. 
2.  First hand photography - taking your own photos, so you know the source and trust the photo. You also hold more information: where it's from, when you took it etc.. 
3. Design related sources - These can be in the form of a blog, a magazine etc.. These can help you formulate your ideas if someone has already designed something existing, and feel inspired by them. 
4. Relevant books - Much more reliable source than the internet as it's published, and can be in more detail and specific than the internet. 
5. Information/ imagery from the internet, but reliable sources - eg google scholar, a trusted website. 
6. Going to visit exhibitions/ events for a wider range of materials: it's current, first hand, and must have a level of success in order to be shown to the public in the first place. 
7.  Watching motion picture/ film/ documentary - lots of different information can be taken - quotes, imagery, themes..
8. Collection the media you're looking at, or verify an existing one you intend to work with. 
9. Observation of real life - Considering what you see in an everyday. 
10. Knowledge - Your own personal knowledge or common knowledge. 

5 Types of Source Material That They Would Generate (from the above)  

1. Questionnaire/ interviews/ opinion polls

 - quantitive - more collective data
 - qualitative - detail 
- specific opinions - ideas to target audience
- word stimulants (a word may come up in an interview which inspires you to change your direction) 
- first hand accounts - more emotional / relatable

2. First hand photography

- an un - copyrighted source
- information is given about the time/ source/ date
- visual inspiration 
- photographs remember an experience
- more specific to what you're looking at and what you want. 

3. Design related sources 

- look at information that is appropriate to your to topic eg. a certain era. 
- see where people have gone wrong or right
- up to date source 
- the physical stock/ print quality 
- opinions of other designers could inform yours. 

4. Relevant books 

- A well documented source
- Text source 
- Visual source 
- First hand experience
- Creative inspiration 

5. Information/ imagery from the internet 

- facts/ figures
- informed opinions
- imagery from both design sources and image search
- social networking
- marketing information 

6. Exhibition/ Events  

- First hand experience 
- collect photographs
- collect materials eg. postcards - inspiration 
- receive other informed opinions 
- a specific informed opnion from a high position - eg an opinion conveyed by the TATE gallery. 

7. Film/ documentaries/ motion picture

- Quotes - written 
- Quotes - verbal (to use in motion itself)
- Certain scenes
- Screen shots that identify a certain idea. 
- A certain theme or feel may be conveyed. 

8. Collecting the media you're looking at

 - different methods of drawing manually
-digital print
-manual print
- digital software
- 3D

9. Observation of real life 

- Knowledge
- Examples
- Experiences 
- The observation of others
- The evolvement of non - visual senses

10. Knowledge 

- Own personal resources - eg. books that you own
- Own knowledge of facts - Any source  in your mind
- Personal experiences
- Personal Interest

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Research Methods - Entire Class Summary

1. Visiting exhibitions to identify trends, competition and influence. 
2. Setting up focus groups to gain feedback on products/ concepts. 
3. Questionnaires to gather facts/ figures/ opinions. 
4. Interviewing specialist/ professionals. 
5. Experimenting with media or production. 
6. Reading design publications/ web. 
7.  Photographing - behaviour/ architecture/ documentation. 
8. Observing real life/ the universe/ everything - passively watching
9. Watching a film. 
10. Collecting current or historical examples. 

Researching is done through VERBS, not NOUNS. A process not an object. 

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Types of Source Material - Entire Class Summary

2. Opinions
3. Statements
4. Facts
5. Statistics
6. Feedback
7. Analysis 
8. Images - Visual material
9. Information 
10. Data
11. Knowledge
12. Examples
13.  Samples
14. Documents

These are all NOUNS. 

The difference between information and data: Data are facts and figures. Information is something that is useful. 

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Come up with a list of however many things that stop you effectively researching a subject: 

1. Copyrighting
2. What area of research to go into eg. primary, secondary or more specific. 
3. Difficulty of going to a certain event: distance or time barrier. 
4. Motivation - If you don't like a certain topic then you find it difficult to work.
5. Audience engagement - Getting people to want to partake in your primary research. 
6. Not knowing the right people - communicating with professionals can be difficult. 
7. Legal barriers - confidential information/ taking photos of the general public. 
8. Communication - research in a non - English speaking country may mean that finding out about certain thing's could be difficult. 
9. Limited resources - this can be because of access or just not enough information can be sought or produced yourself. 

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Our groups current body of research methods: (there are 7 people in my group): 

Visiting: 0
Setting up: 0
Questionnaire: 6
Interviewing: yes
Experimenting: 2
Reading: 7
Observation: 1
Photographing: 4
Watching: 2
Collecting: 7

Our groups current body of research source material (there are 7 people in my group)

Quotes: 4
Statements: 1
Facts: 4
Statistics: 4
Feedback: 5
Analysis: 4
Photographs: 6
Data: 6
Knowledge: 6
Examples: 0
Samples: 0
Development: 6
Opinions: 5

List 10 ways in which you can improve a a group the research processes and the product, from your research? 

- Visits to places
- Focus groups
- Interviewing
- More feedback on each other's research
- Collecting physical things
- Observing people's reactions
- Book/ journal sources rather than the internet
- Watch "body confidence" programmes
- More first hand photography
- Experimenting with outcomes

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