
OUGD504 - Design For Print (30) - Publication Issues

I realised I had a few issues to address with my publication(s), which I wanted to address:

- The size of the document I have been working with - For the book I intend on sending off to be printed, I have been working at A4 size. This seems large and impractical. 

- Images appearing pixelated - When working on InDesign, some of my full bleed images appear slightly pixelated. I intend on printing a spread out, and seeing how it works when printed. 

- Binding - I know exactly the form of binding I want to use, but not sure of where to purchase materials / how to produce it. 

Document Sizing

As you can see, I printed a full bleed page out, to see how the images would look. I was in luck with the images, as they didn't seem to look pixelated. However, I felt the document was too large. I printed the same page again, and cropped it using a guillotine to a size which felt more ergonomic. This was roughly 3cm off each edge, a dramatic different. 

Change of document size: One issue I have is that I have produced 60 pages of the publication at A4 size, which would be very time consuming to change manually. I wanted to know if there was a way of exporting the document size to something smaller, so I decided to consult some of my tutors. 

Conversation with Simon

I spoke to Simon about two things: the binding & the document sizing. 

Simon explained the form of binding further (with an unexplainable sketch!), and told me that I can achieve this in Vernon Street. I intend on speaking to someone at Vernon Street to confirm this.

He explained that notches are create within the pages, which are filled with an adhesive, before the tape is applied. This will reinforce the pages, stopping them from falling out easily. 

In terms of document sizing, Simon was unsure on how I could resize PDFs. He recommended that I speak to Mike in IT.

Conversation With Mike

I went up to IT and spoke to Mike briefly about document sizing. He said he was sure that there was a way of changing an existing document size using either InDesign or Adobe Acrobat Pro. 


OUGD504 - Design For Print (29) - Layout Plan

I decided it would be best to create some layout variations for my publication, using a module grid and baseline.

Below you can see the variations I created, before adding content:

You can see how these have been applied to my pages:


p15 - p16

p17 - p18

p19 - p20

p21 - p22

p1 - p2

p11 - p12

p13 - p14

p25 - p26

p29 - p30

p37 - p38

p39 - p40

p35 - p36

OUGD504 - Design For Web (15) - Coding For Website

Having produced my designs for my website, as well as wireframes, the next step was to start the coding: 

Creating the title for my website in HTML: 

Saving my background image for web:

I chose to save my image slightly bigger than my chosen resolution of 1280 x 720. I also ensured it would be saved as a PNG-24, so the image took up less memory. 

Creating an index.html for my page:

Linking an images folder to my index:

Adding a CSS Stylesheet:

How my webpage now looks:

Adding my background image to CSS:

I noticed that despite changing the percentage size of my background image, there was still a small margin on the left. 

The problem: I simply left a gap after the semi colon below. I removed this gap and the image moved across to how I wanted it. 

CSS code so far:

HTML code so far:

Creating my rollover buttons: 

I thought it would be best to create a rollover for my largest word first. This is so I can ensure the type will fit in the 150px box. The rollover will work from lowercase into uppercase. 

Working with 2 layers to ensure my rollover lines up: 

Adding a container at the top: I did this just so I knew where my top two links could fit. 

Original coding for top and bottom container in CSS:

And in HTML:

The result was below: 

After further experimentation:

Finally I got the position right, with much more messing around: 

Adding my rollover images: 

How the rollover looked with capitals:

Removing the colour, creating a transparent container:

Adding the bottom left rollover: 

An issue: When I hover over the 'about', it seems to stretch across. 

Consulting Simon About Cornered Links

I spoke to Simon about cornered links, and he told me what I was doing wrong. Instead of using a container at the top and bottom, he suggested it would be best to create separate containers for each link. I then did the following in CSS:

The next step was to add the rollover images to the HTML:

This worked perfectly: 

An example of the rollover working on 'timeline': 

Creating A Translucent Banner

I first tried to copy my background coding as I thought it would be great to create a responsive translucent layer. Instead of using a background image, I set it as white. 

This was the result:

I then tried just using a simple container, testing it out at 30px. 

I added a top margin to move the bar into the middle: 

Final sizing sorted:

In order to make the web page work when made smaller, I made sure the links were at the front. I did so by adding a 'z-index' to each of the containers: 

Making the bar responsive:

I attempted to change the bar into a responsive shape, by using percentages: 

As you can see, the bar seems to be responsive, with the links all at the front. However, the links aren't responsive, and don't change size. If I have the time, I would like to make these responsive.

Making the bar translucent:

Producing Columns

I worked with my wireframe to produce a simple 2 column grid.

Changing The Rollover Images

I felt that the rollover images weren't as aesthetically pleasing as I wanted. I also felt they were too large and distracting. I removed the javascipt and rollover images, and started again:

I ensured that the images used were still at the same size as previously used, so the container for each wouldn't stretch the content. 

Changing the Grid System

I felt that I wasn't utilising space enough, so decided to create a 3 column grid instead of two: 

Creating Different Pages

I decided to begin to make my different pages. Below you can see how I made my 'about page', using the middle column of my 3 column grid. I ensured the columns left and right were marked as 'transparent'. I also created a header size, for the larger section of text. 

I saved the page, and linked it to index. 

Adding the Image to the Homepage

I still needed to add the image to the homepage. For this, I made the 3 column grid translucent, then created a new container. I ensured this was the same size as my image, and used margins to position the container correctly.

I ensured the image was correct size, by creating a document in illustrator at the right size: 

I used the 3 column grid to start my 'timeline' page. I also added a link to my 'submit' page. 

I had some issues with the text being a 'purple - link' colour, but I managed to change this to black:

Creating Active Links

I wanted to create an active link for each page - ie. The rollover image stays the same when you're on that page. I consulted Simon about this, and he informed me of ways it can be done without javascript. However, I thought of an easier way, so I didn't have to delete my code. 

I had already set up each page, with rollover links on each. I manually changed the rollover on each page, so that it's rollover would be the same image. 

Example: On the guys page, I made the pre-rollover image the same as the rollover. This means that on the 'gigs' page, the 'gigs' link would be underlined. You can see this below: 

I kept the home page the same, as I felt it wasn't needed to show an active link. It is clearly the home page, as you would have seen it as the first page to visit. 

Pages So Far:

As you can see, the timeline and gigs pages still needed content added. They both involve a horizontal scrollbar, which is something I still need to work out.

This is the stage I got to before my final crit. Obviously with both 'timeline' and 'gigs', I wanted to show exactly how the pages would work, which is why I prepared mockups for my final crit. 


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