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OUGD504 - Design for Web (5) - Web Workshop - Scamp Task + Feedback


Create 3 scamps for your chosen website for next session. These have to be hand rendered, and should look similar to the finished completed website. 



Key: Links are underlined, and the box section is where information would be displayed about the website. 

In response to my questionnaire results, I produced the following designs. 

How I Responded To Feedback from Primary Research:

 - As a reminder, I found that people liked the idea of a website which was easily navigable. This is why I have chosen to keep the homepage structured and simple to understand. (You can also see the use of grids drawn in)

- I also found from initial class feedback that the use of imagery to tile the page would be confusing, which is why I have chosen to include no imagery on the homepage. 

- I intend on using a background that's a luminous colour, as I found people associated this with Punk music. 

- I plan to use a web - safe font (such as Helvetica & Arial), as coding will be much easier, and both fonts are highly functional. 

I also found with my questionnaire results that people like the idea of website that 'breaks the rules'. This is why the second two scamps use an unconventional layout in terms of hyperlinks. 


Digital Reproduction

For my own reference and understanding, I chose to reproduce the above designs digitally:

I also experimented with different colours, in response to questionnaire answers: 

Questionnaire answers:

What colours /patterns would you associate with Punk?

  • Answered: 17 
  • Skipped: 0

Tartan, reds, black
11/3/2013 7:15 PM View respondent's answers
black, denim, hot pink
11/3/2013 7:14 PM View respondent's answers
11/3/2013 7:10 PM View respondent's answers
tartan, stripes, red, black, multicolour
11/3/2013 7:07 PM View respondent's answers
Yellow, Pink, garish colours like that. OTT. Tartan.
11/3/2013 7:04 PM View respondent's answers
Pink and yellow anerchist sign, green pink yellow and black
11/3/2013 7:00 PM View respondent's answers
Cut and paste.. black.
11/3/2013 6:59 PM View respondent's answers
Prime colours, fluorescent colours - pink,yellow and green. Jagged patterns, stripes, stencil lettering,grainy black and whites images, newsprint lettering.
11/2/2013 6:33 PM View respondent's answers
Black White Green Blue/red
11/1/2013 12:45 PM View respondent's answers
Black, Yellow and Red. Dayglo and metallics.
11/1/2013 12:43 PM View respondent's answers
Pink, Yellow
11/1/2013 10:50 AM View respondent's answers
neon colours
11/1/2013 10:45 AM View respondent's answers
pink, yellow, black, tartan, metal spikes
11/1/2013 10:37 AM View respondent's answers
pink, yellow, black, bright and bold colours
10/31/2013 10:02 PM View respondent's answers
Yellow Black Red Pink White
10/31/2013 10:01 PM View respondent's answers
sky magenta, cyan, byzantine
10/31/2013 10:00 PM View respondent's answers
pink, green, yellow, black and white
10/31/2013 9:59 PM View respondent's answers

Colour / Pattern Experimentation:

I intend to experiment further with not just block colour, but also gradients and patterns. However, I feel like it would be best to receive some feedback first, in order to move in the right direction. 



During a web session with Simon, we were asked to present out scamps and leave a notepad out for paper. The feedback I received is below: 

Written up: 

1. 'My favourite design is the 2nd one (where the links are in each corner), because of it's central focus. It's bold and in keeping with the Punk style. Maybe more central text bigger so it stands out a little. 

2. '2nd Layout (where the links are in each corner) is best as most linear, easy to navigate. How will you make bottom links usable on all screen sizes - something to look into. Will it be parallax scrolling? Could be interesting.'

3. 'Clear and very easy to use. But maybe relate the content to the layout more?'

4. 'Great simple layout, although I think too much attention is drawn to the links due to the size.'

5. 'Don't have Home, Timeline etc. on the right.'

Reaction To Feedback 

- It's clear that the most popular layout is with the links in each corner. I think I need to learn more about how I can do this, and speak to Simon about it. 

- The idea that my idea seems 'clear' works perfectly. If it's clear to read by people who are internet savvy, then i'm sure it will be just as clear to use by my target audience. 

- I have mixed responses whether it fits the Punk style. However, I intend to look into this more, experimenting more with different backgrounds. I also feel I cannot make a final decision on layout yet, so I intend to look into this more. I could maybe bring the links in from the corners more, so that they're not so close to the edges of the page. 

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