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OUGD503 Responsive - Pitch & Propose

The outcomes produced may not even be finished and resolved products. It may be an event, or a concept. It may be proposing, or mocking up. 

As a designer, you may spend lot's of time pitching and proposing to your clients. This stops you from wasting a lot of time. You have to communicate progress and ambitions. 

Professionalism and project management - You have to decide how much time to spend on your briefs. 

You will always have multiple deadlines and multiple briefs. What is the cost when it comes to your work? Cost can be in terms of time - time is money. 

50 % of this module has absolutely nothing to do with final products. It's about proposing and managing ideas. 

1. Overall aims - Lay out a clear set of things you would want to achieve. What will the overall impact be what you're proposing? Theoretical. 
2. Specific aims - eg. promote the brand. Who or what will it effect? Impact on the buyings, the manufacturers, the skills you need to develop. 
3. Objectives - How - How will it make an impact? The outputs of the project. Measurable and quantified. 

Your aims should be ambitious, in order to progress. They should be the things you aspire to, the changes you want to make. Describe these first when writing a proposal.What's the change and who does it effect? 

How will you achieve those changes? Activities, products or things. have you thought about the problems, or have you not done enough research? Have you spoken to the printers, a knowledge on the process, etc. 'This person know what they're talking about - I'm convinced this person can do this job'. If you can back up your ideas with facts, your proposal will be strong. 

The criteria for success doesn't necessarily result in a finished product, but an understand of exactly HOW it could be produced. 

There would be no innovation if we always play safe. You need to be able justify and argue a need for your response. What is out there that proves an app is the best way to go? What suggests this logo and brand is far better than what they have already, and what is already out there? 

If you haven't researched something, don't bullshit. Clients do know what they're talking about when it comes to their product, and their company. 

What are the connections between your industry and theirs? Are they ethically driven? Why will they engage with what you have designed? If you understand their customers, and the kind of things they already buy, then you are already buying into a brand that their audience are bought into. 

Secondary Audience
What is your client like? What's their lifestyle like? You need to buy into who they are. Are they involved in design much? Are their values the same as your primary audience? Do they want a high profit margin, or willing to spend more? 

You can't ever bullshit people into thinking you're enthusiastic when you're not. 

What's motivating you about this, and are you ambitious about it? 

Don't use 'I' - You're proposing an idea for others. 

The content should be what you're presenting. Language should be kept neutral. 


This comes back to your aims and objectives. There are also specific project mandatories. What do you require in order for this to be achieved? 

You can't assume that they understand design, production values etc. You can't assume they know your skills. Explain everything. Assume that they know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. 

Everything put to you, you need to question. Question: mandatories, audience, concept. By questioning, you may identify solutions, and go beyond what they brief indicates. 


We pitched ut ideas, and below is my feedback: 

new logo?

hemp paper?

What am I going to produce, and what will I propose?

What can I do? What could I do? 

Where can I push it?

Next week:

Come with questions, any concerns we have. 

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