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OUGD505: Studio Brief 1 - Research Boards

Below you can see the 5 research boards I prepared for the workshop: 

Ideas I was given in the crit: 

- A possible exhibition on phonetics?
- This project would be heavily typographically based, is that what I want?
- Possibly look at something slightly less 'dense', and more visual. 

In the afternoon, we looked at the presentation of our boards, you can see the feedback I received below: 

Notes On The Lesson

What not to do:
- Write in 1st person
- Initial sketches aren't always relevant (they want to see what you produced, not how you got there)
- Spelling mistakes / typos
- Food stains / crumpled paper
- Print problems
- Poor image quality
- Too much text (TLDR - too long, didn't read)
- Too little text - like a scrapbook

What to do:
- Name and number your boards
- Titles
- Show your final products
- Good quality photos of final products
- Crit each other's boards
- Proof read

After this, we handed our design boards over to someone else on the same table and wrote everything that they did wrong on their boards, for example spelling mistakes or poor layout.

My feedback was as follows:

- Bad quality images
- Grammar errors
- Slightly pixelated images
- Misalignment
- Annotate images so that they can be understood

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