
OUGD503 Responsive: Collab Brief (Brief 04) - Final Boards / Submission

After spending two days with Alex, planning and designing our final boards in a clear, simple and informative format, we were ready to submit.

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Presentation

Below is my presentation for Studio Brief 2:

OUGD503 Responsive: Collab Brief (Brief 04) - Final Board Ideas

I began putting some ideas together for the final boards, considering the initial 'wow' factor page. I also wanted the boards to act almost like a presentation, working from one board to the next. 

I mocked up all the app pages onto one page, as you can see below:

To make the boards work more like a story, I liked the idea of revealing certain app pages, and then using the black space to explain more about the app. 

I presented these to Alex, who unfortunately didn't like the ideas. We made a start rethinking the boards, and worked on them together. 

OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Writing a Brief

Contemporary Japanese Design - 
Words That Relate to My Publication
(the highlighted words are words I would like to use in the brief)

- Neutral 
- Naked materials 
- Monozukuri
- Tradition
- Minimal
- Design
- Contrast
- Quality
- Wood
- Concrete
- Quality
- Wood
- Concrete
- Creativity
- Tea
- White
- Japanese characters
- Tranquility
- Nature 
- Light 
- Space
- Subdued
- Muted
- Tone
- Simplicity
- Functionality
- Craft
- Culture 
- Considered
- Way of life
- Paper

Processes I Want To Use 
(the highlighted words are appropriate processes I could use)

- Laser cut 
- Screen print
- Emboss / Deboss
- Use of stock (sourcing)
- Spot varnish 
- Paper craft
- 3D structure / Printing - Hobbs?
- Vinyl Cutting

First Attempt At Writing The Brief

A Typed Up / More Considered Version

OUGD503 Responsive: Collab Brief (Brief 04) - Editted Images

Having taken pack shots of our pizza boxes, I photoshopped them so that the mis-print was not so obvious.

Below you can see the before and after photos:










OUGD503 Responsive: Collab Brief (Brief 04) - Photography Images

Below are all the photos Alex and I took whilst in our booked photography slot / the process of printing the boxes. Due to the miss print of the boxes, I intend on selecting images wisely, and editing them later. 


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