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OUGD505: Studio Brief 1 - Final Crit

For the crit, we presented what we had produced, and then went around the table leaving written formative feedback for one another.


- Layout really reflects content. Appropriate use of stock & binding also. (+1, +2, +3)
- Really like the binding and how appropriate it is. 
- I like the way the pagination is in the centre.

Areas For Improvement
- Make sure the Japanese & English match so it doesn't look like some Japanese doesn't look like translate. 
- Spelling mistakes
- Change where page numbers are. 

- For the packaging, like the idea of using black card, could foil some Japanese symbols. 
- Feels really delicate - Maybe a more substantial cover. Try packaging with wood, balsa. Red sugar paper cover?


Where I Plan On Taking The Feedback
Overal the feedback was positive, which means very little needs changing. One problem with the book previously was issues of the binding affecting readability, but this was not brought up at all in this crit. 

I plan on looking into the packaging further, experimenting in ways I could package the book. 

The main changes to make will be spelling mistakes, which should be quick and easy!

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