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OUGD503 Responsive: Summative & Module Evaluation

Summative Evaluation

This module has been hugely beneficial to my practice. For the first time on my degree, I felt actual physical responsibilities for the work I was producing, and in many cases had to consider far more constrictions than with any other modules. One example of this was when working with Louise Leadbeater, who needed business stationary made. She obviously wanted printing costs as low as possible, and it was great to find out places to print at mass but still at a good price. 

I really liked interacting with clients, and trying to convince them of my ideas. It was satisfying to take them through initial ideas, and see their happiness (most of the time). Unfortunately there were times I despised some of my clients. One of my clients was a good friend (who I shall not ever work with ever again), who doesn't plan on paying me until October, the fee only being £50. Another client, I had been working with for quite some time, with plenty of interactions. Half way through the project, he decided he did 'need' the branding, and therefore did not want to pay me. After making a mistake with one of my friends, this client signed a contract, to ensure I get paid no matter what. Sure enough, this second client has now been forced to pay me. This reinforces the importance of using contracts, and I also intend on asking for a 50% deposit up front, to scare away the people who don't take my practice seriously. 

Working on two fashion branding briefs (one live, one competition) has made me consider the type of work I want to do in the future. It was great to work on both of these, and made me want to work on fashion branding much more in the future. 

I have much more confidence in myself as a designer. When starting this module, I was scared to work with clients, and scared that my work would not be liked. After working with initial clients, I realised that I shouldn't be scared, as clients will see the doubt in your work. If you're confident in your own abilities, then clients are much more likely to trust you. 

One thing I need to change is the way in which my business is shown to the public. I think due to the fact that I only have Behance as an only presence, clients have taken my work as seriously. I intend on designing my own website, with a custom URL and email address. This will be a much better way of contacting clients. 

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