What statement/fact/question are you intending to communicate?
The effects alcohol has on both health and society in a social context. I intend to mainly focus on the social side, as all binge drinking posters previously produced focus simply on health and risk of sexual assault.
I intend to produce something that communicates how it is a depressing thing that in order to socialise or fall in love, alcohol now acts as a social lubricant. Why do we have to rely on a poisonous substance to do something which should be natural and easy? Furthermore, why has society created an opinion that to get drunk is a funny thing.
Smoking has now become an anti social and bad habit, why has alcohol increasingly become a normal thing to abuse?
The episode of "999 What's The Emergency" brought up a key problem. Women are now trying to drink the same as men, since they now feel equal in society. It is a scientific fact that women cannot consume alcohol at the same rate as men, so I intend to communicate this, and make it clear as to how much they can drink.
What is the tone?
- Serious - A problem is being addressed. Alcohol and abuse of the substance is often seen as comical. Here I intend to emphasise its effects.
- Formal - Helps add a serious tone.
-Informative - Explanation as to what alcohol does to both the body and the mind. I intend to show this both visually (in a clean, simple way) and verbally.
- Relatable - Often binge drinking posters discuss sexual abuse and extreme cases of drinking. I find that people often cannot relate to the posters as they haven't experienced it. By looking at social factors, I think people will be able to relate to the message much more.
Who are your audience?
- Since the episode of "999 What's The Emergency" I watched focussed on women and how they are beginning to drink as much as men, I intend to direct it solely at women.
- I aim to target my work at binge drinkers as well. These are normally people between the ages of 18 - 35.
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-Initial Ideas-
As previously mentioned, I wanted to look at the social destruction of alcohol. There are two themes I could have looked at:
-General socialising. When people go out, do they make good friends that last a life time?
-Love / Lust. Can a woman find love whilst intoxicated / are "one night stands" worth it?
I decided to go with the latter, as it is a common misconception (whilst drunk) that somebody is much more attractive.
I intended to create something satirical, with a serious undertone to it:
-Mum? How did you and Dad meet? - A rhetorical question that connotes the idea of how unromantic a one night stand really is.
- LOVE DRUNK - DRUNK LOVE. A juxtaposition of contrasting phrases. Love drunk - somebody who is deeply in love. Drunk love - something which feels like love, but is short term, and only when intoxicated.
As shown above, the idea I chose to take further was the "LOVE DRUNK - DRUNK LOVE" idea. I realised the usage of just the phrase itself did not contain enough clarity, so I intend to explain each side of the phrase. This can be seen on the bottom half of the above image, where I have used the green box areas as space for text.
I really liked how I could play with the communication of this simple message. However, the ideas seemed too plane and did not create anything personal. This is the reason I added some text:
Since the two phrases were similar with only order creating separation, I wanted to replicate this in the stories:
The "Love Drunk" story tells a tale of a girl who is besotted by a man, without the mention of alcohol once. The idea of the story was to put the reader into the shoes of this unknown character, giving them hope of something similar.
The "Drunk Love" story holds some of the same characteristics but with a hard hitting, depressing ending. I chose to play with the grapho- phonemic relationship by creating typos, as if the character typing it is drunk. It was fun creating a readable yet confusing text to read. The key was to ensure the first and last letters of each word were the same.
Here I experimented with blurring of the text, ti replicate the distorted vision and perception the consumption of too much alcohol entails. I think this effect is suitable and intend to play with it and experiment further with it, but I think layout should be the priority at this moment in time.
I felt as if the space was not utilised, so I decided co create a split, simply inverting down the middle. The result is still plane and confusing.
Here I have introduced colour. I still feel as if the layout does not work, and I do not think the colour works for my chosen audience.
Still considering colour, I have come to the conclusion to use the darker pink (ce7898). It isn't too bright and cheesy, and I think it will appeal to my chosen audience.
Since the layout did not work as landscape, I decided to experiment with a portrait orientation. I feel as if this works slightly better, but the text still feels stretched. One advantage is the comparison of each text is easier.
I decided to stick with the original layout (landscape) but use it as my "Text and Image" piece, and add some imagery of some sort in the confusing space.
However, I still liked the idea of using a comparison of imagery, and was definitely inspired to manipulate the text to express the abuse of alcohol (as shown by the blurred text above)
I really liked the idea of using the split in colour to represent "LOVE DRUNK" and "DRUNK LOVE". Here I have used a statement which could be said by someone experiencing both: "Can I buy you a drink". This could be used as a chat up line, but also as something often said when people are drunk. I purposely used the word "drunk" instead of "drink" by the end, as it seems to tell the story of somebody getting progressively drunk, and by the end their words are slurred.
I feel this image works, but the progression into alcohol abuse doesn't seem to be consistent or get worse. I intend to experiment with the manipulation of text further.
I feel this image works, but the progression into alcohol abuse doesn't seem to be consistent or get worse. I intend to experiment with the manipulation of text further.
-Final Text Piece-
From the last image, I have made the white side of text more distorted, with progression of the letters becoming more and more warped. I also added a more subtle blur to show the distortion of perception caused by alcohol.
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-Initial Ideas-
Text and Image:
The development of this is mainly in the last "text" section.
The stage at which I came to without imagery is the following (ignore the slight off white on the right side, I changed this afterwards):
It is clear that some imagery is needed to fill the empty space above and below the text. I think these needed to be simple imagery, due to the rest being so simple.
They also both needed to reflect the two stories, and maintain some common ground of comparison.
I chose to use this simple imagery. The first side shows a cocktail class and a beer bottle (I chose these as they appeal to my chosen audience. Also, cocktails are associated with class and sophistication.
On the second side, the bottle is smashed and the glass is chipped, with the contents spilling up the side.
I chose a simple silhouette for each as I thought they would match the rest of the image well. If I added any tone, I think the imagery wouldn't fit with the text. I also wanted to make the comparison between the two imagery to be as simply communicated as possible.
-Final Text & Image Piece-
Text and Image:
The development of this is mainly in the last "text" section.
The stage at which I came to without imagery is the following (ignore the slight off white on the right side, I changed this afterwards):
It is clear that some imagery is needed to fill the empty space above and below the text. I think these needed to be simple imagery, due to the rest being so simple.
They also both needed to reflect the two stories, and maintain some common ground of comparison.
I chose to use this simple imagery. The first side shows a cocktail class and a beer bottle (I chose these as they appeal to my chosen audience. Also, cocktails are associated with class and sophistication.
On the second side, the bottle is smashed and the glass is chipped, with the contents spilling up the side.
I chose a simple silhouette for each as I thought they would match the rest of the image well. If I added any tone, I think the imagery wouldn't fit with the text. I also wanted to make the comparison between the two imagery to be as simply communicated as possible.
-Final Text & Image Piece-
In my opinion, the image choice works well with each side of the story.
I think this piece will tie the separate text and image pieces together.
I drew this simple vector of a handsome man on Adobe Illustrator. This is meant to represent the viewpoint of the reader.
I added the image into the same background divide I have been using, and added simple imagery on either side. However, I found that the imagery on each side was way too confusing, so decided to remove it.
-Final Image Piece-
-Final Triptych-
Below are the evaluations my class mates filled out after looking at my work.
Communication - Overall, the feedback I received on this was good. Every person who filled out a sheet understand my message with ease. This is key as it shows that the concept itself has worked, despite information not being given way in an obvious manor.
What could be developed further? - With this question, I found that I may need to experiment further with the type, or colour. However, I also received lots of feedback that the colour usage works well. I am unsure as to what other typeface to use, as I chose Futura for the simplicity, and to not distract from the message. I could possibly use another Gothic typeface, but I doubt it will make much difference to the delivery of message.
I received good feedback on my choice of stock. I chose "Antique White" as my stock, and from the feedback, I found that it emphasised further a feminine feel, which is intended towards my audience.
Do they work as a set? - The feedback on this was unanimous. Everyone said that all the pieces work as a set, due to colour and the blurred theme within each piece.
Are the posters "memorable, immediate high impact and clear?" - All 3 sheets described the work as "memorable", which has definitely pleased me!
I think this piece will tie the separate text and image pieces together.
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-Initial Ideas-
I found this piece the hardest to communicate. This is because for continuity, I needed to the imagery to be simple, clear, clean and crisp.

I initially experimented with the idea of using a can and it's packaging to my advantage. However, as you can see to the right, I struggle to create packaging that looked as if it was stuck onto a can. I also saw the concept as slightly too boring, so moved on.
One idea I had for imagery was to look at the idea of vision, hence glasses. The left side is meant to represent "Love Drunk", and the right acting as "Drunk Love". I was inspired by the idea of "beer goggles"
However, I chose to shy away from this idea, as I felt it was much more complex than the simple imagery and message I have previously used. Also, I produced the image on Adobe Illustrator, software which I am new to. This is why it is not rendered to a quality I am happy to work with.
I still wanted to work with the idea of vision, so I experimented with the idea of "point of view" imagery. As I have used text in the text and image piece to put the audience into the shoes of the intoxicated, I wanted to do the same with the imagery.
I found this piece the hardest to communicate. This is because for continuity, I needed to the imagery to be simple, clear, clean and crisp.

I initially experimented with the idea of using a can and it's packaging to my advantage. However, as you can see to the right, I struggle to create packaging that looked as if it was stuck onto a can. I also saw the concept as slightly too boring, so moved on.
One idea I had for imagery was to look at the idea of vision, hence glasses. The left side is meant to represent "Love Drunk", and the right acting as "Drunk Love". I was inspired by the idea of "beer goggles"
However, I chose to shy away from this idea, as I felt it was much more complex than the simple imagery and message I have previously used. Also, I produced the image on Adobe Illustrator, software which I am new to. This is why it is not rendered to a quality I am happy to work with.
I still wanted to work with the idea of vision, so I experimented with the idea of "point of view" imagery. As I have used text in the text and image piece to put the audience into the shoes of the intoxicated, I wanted to do the same with the imagery.
I drew this simple vector of a handsome man on Adobe Illustrator. This is meant to represent the viewpoint of the reader.
I added the image into the same background divide I have been using, and added simple imagery on either side. However, I found that the imagery on each side was way too confusing, so decided to remove it.
-Final Image Piece-
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-Final Triptych-
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Below are the evaluations my class mates filled out after looking at my work.
Communication - Overall, the feedback I received on this was good. Every person who filled out a sheet understand my message with ease. This is key as it shows that the concept itself has worked, despite information not being given way in an obvious manor.
What could be developed further? - With this question, I found that I may need to experiment further with the type, or colour. However, I also received lots of feedback that the colour usage works well. I am unsure as to what other typeface to use, as I chose Futura for the simplicity, and to not distract from the message. I could possibly use another Gothic typeface, but I doubt it will make much difference to the delivery of message.
I received good feedback on my choice of stock. I chose "Antique White" as my stock, and from the feedback, I found that it emphasised further a feminine feel, which is intended towards my audience.
Do they work as a set? - The feedback on this was unanimous. Everyone said that all the pieces work as a set, due to colour and the blurred theme within each piece.
Are the posters "memorable, immediate high impact and clear?" - All 3 sheets described the work as "memorable", which has definitely pleased me!