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OUGD404 - Grids & Proportions - Part 3


-Grid's are tailored to your document measurements. 

- Illustrations etc must be confirmed before hand. 

-Thumbnail sketches make final layouts easier and productive. They should be proportionate to the final document. 


One column gives little freedom for layout - 2 columns gives you more scope. 

- Restriction of making illustrations small, medium or large. 

- Sub divide into 3/ 6 columns. 

Disadvantage of 6 column text - narrow/ small typeface has to be used. 

For Statistics/ Figures/ Graphs  & Trend Line Publications: 

- 4 columns a page - can be subdivided into 8, 16....

The width of a column dictates the size of the typeface. 

Thumbnails & Development: 

Make a large set of thumbnails. 

Enlarge thumbnails by 1:1 - Work with the actual size. 

When working with columns, split the lines into 3 - each section should be equal. 

Font Heights:

How to decide header and footer text:

Caption text: 3 lines

Header and Footer: 2 lines at the same height as caption text. 

Or use Fibonacci Sequence!

Type & Image on an 8/20 Field Grid:

8 Field Grid: Used in brochures  advertising material - you can sub divide into 16. They give you a range if possibilities. 

- You can use with or without text. 

20 Field Grid - 42 Layout possibilities. 

Are grids aesthetic choice? 

Making Grids on InDesign

On InDesign whilst dragging and clicking the rectangle tool, you can use the arrows to split into more boxes and columns.

Put your guides as a separate layer. 

By using "margins and columns" we can make, you guessed it, margins and columns:

 Creating guides:
It is advisable to set the inside margin as larger than the outside (or with plenty of space), in order to allow space for binding. Generally, spacing at the bottom is made larger than the top for both aesthetic and function (eg. page number). 

Using boxes to create layout:

 When using the rectangle tool, you can also create a grid. Press the arrows keys whilst pulling the box out in order to make more rows and columns.

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