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OUGD503 Responsive - Individual Practice - TASK



Exploring the website: 

I like the section on 'opportunities', due to the fact that it could be a way to find more studios based where I live, with possible experience available. Below you can see a place needed for a Junior Designer at a studio called 'Indigo Communications'. I intend to use this website in the future to find such opportunities. 

 I also like the section on Portfolios. I feel I could use this section for researching specific designers. Websites such as Pinterest are good for just visual research, but I feel it would be much better to learn about specific designers & give them the recognition they deserve. I could also find out more about the designers if they have a Behance page. 

A designer whose work I liked: 

I like how you can search for designers through geographical location. This makes it easier to understand trends in different countries. It also means I can find and contact UK designers easier. (see below) 

D & AD: 

Signing Up:


I like the fact that you can edit searches to relate to certain years people have won D & AD awards. It would be interesting to look at the contemporary trends from different years. 


Can I sign up for this? 


Live Briefs

Graphic Competition: 

I looked at a few live briefs, and I liked the one below: 

Visualizing Corruption Infographic
Link to Live Brief
Hate corruption? Love design? Transparency International is launching an infographic competition on the topic of corruption in the UK.

We are particularly interested in infographics because the issue of corruption, while devastating and far reaching in its effects globally, can be hard to visualise. As the UK chapter of Transparency International, we are particularly keen to communicate this better to the British public.

We want visualisations that will make people think or inspire a debate about the issue in the UK and the UK’s role in corruption and anti-corruption overseas. We’d love to see you use design to tell a visual story which will communicate these ideas to a variety of audiences.
There is no entry fee.


Anyone worldwide is eligible to enter this competition.


As well as being featured on the Transparency International UK website and promoted via social media, the winning entries will also receive:
• First Place: £300 (approx. 480 USD)
• Second Place: £200
• Third Place: £100

The prizes will be awarded at Transparency International UK’s Annual Anti-Corruption Lecture on 11th December 2013.

Why I Chose This Brief

I like the idea of working with this brief, as it seems to be for a good cause. I have yet to work with infographics this year, and liked creating one for a brief last year. I feel I need to work further with image (due to me feeling stronger with typography), so to produce a highly image based infographic could really benefit my practice. 

Unfortunately, most of the other briefs on Graphic Competition were Industrial design or Architecture based, so I felt I could not work with them. 


99 Designs

2nd Brief To Consider: 

1st Broker Logo
Link to Brief
Name to incorporate in the logo
1% Broker
Slogan to incorporate in the logo
Description of the organization and its target audience
We represent home buyers and sellers interested in taking an active role in their search or sale in exchange for a reduced commission.
Please visit to learn more about our business. On that site you will see our current logo, which I like.
At the same time, I am interested in a new logo design that utilizes "1%" instead of "One Percent". The idea of a house or roofline (or something else house related) as part of the logo is good, but not absolutely necessary.
Please also note how the word "Realtors®" is not prominently featured in the logo, but it is present. I would hope that the new logo will be the same way.
Real Estate & Mortgage

Why I Chose This Brief

Logo design is something that really interests me. I like the idea of laying down the foundries for a brand (and would like to do more of the branding), but unfortunately only a logo is apparently needed. I am currently working on a branding project for my mother, who is going free lance as a surveyor, and I feel this brief is similar. I like the idea of creating an identity that turns a boring occupation into something really quite exciting and interesting. 


Branding a New District in Dayton, USA

Name to incorporate in the logo
Water Street District
Slogan to incorporate in the logo
None specified
Description of the organization and its target audience
The logo will be for the creation of a new riverfront district in downtown Dayton, Ohio, USA. The Water Street District will be home to new residential, commercial, and retail buildings in a mixed-use real estate development.
Water Street District is a riverfront site, and will lie at the confluence of the Great Miami River and Mad River. The District will be situated immediately next to the world famous Five Rivers Fountain of Lights, as well as next door to the RiverScape Metropark and Dayton Dragons stadium entertainment venues.
The real estate development itself will contain office space, restaurant / entertainment venues, a covered parking structure, and over 400 residences when fully built out.
Water Street is a tip of the cap to the road in old 19th and early 20th century Dayton, which was renamed in the mid 20th century. A new road will be built nearest to the river, and will resurrect the former name of "Water Street."
Images were preliminary and don't totally reflect current design - but they'll get the idea.
Real Estate & Mortgage
Preferred logo types
  • FeminineMasculine
  • YoungMature
  • LuxuryEconomical
  • ModernClassic
  • PlayfulSerious
  • LoudQuiet
  • SimpleComplex
  • SubtleObvious
To be used on
  • Print (Business cards, letterheads, brochures etc)
  • Online (Website, online advertising, banner ads etc)
  • Merchandise (Mugs, T-shirts etc)
  • Signs (Including shops, billboards etc.

Why I Chose This Brief

I like the idea of working on a mass scale, and this is huge. If I was to be selected for this live brief, my work would be plastered all over a brand new district in the US. From billboards and shops to business cards and letterheads, the logo would be everywhere. I like the idea of designing things that fit into the life of the everyday person, and here it would be integral to a way of life in this new district. 



Design a Logo for Delirium

Pia Prezelj has been working as a photographer for over four years and recently decided to take her experience a step further by delving into the world of filmmaking.

Influenced by Lars von Trier, Yoann Lemoine, Terrence Malick, Michel Gondry, and her own endless imagination, Pia strives to create short films which project strong emotions through the highly aesthetic and slightly imaginary world surrounding her subjects.

Now, Pia and her team need your help designing a logo. Artists are free to decide whether their design includes the company title Delirium; however, the logo should convey the atmosphere of Pia's works and influences.  To get a clearer understanding of the mood evoked in her work, take a look at the attached photos.

Host Choice Pia Prezelj's Choice

One winner as chosen by Pia will receive:
  • A feature on Pia's and Delirium's social channels
  • A set of signed prints by Pia Prezelj
  • A guaranteed collaboration on Delirium's future projects

People's Choice People's Choice

The highest voted particpant will receive:
  • A set of signed prints by Pia Prezelj
  • A honorable mention on Pia's and Delirium's social channels

Important Dates Get Involved

Submit by: August 9, 2013
Vote: August 10, 2013 10am PST - August 17, 2013 10am PST
Winner(s) Announced: August 30, 2013
Click 'Participate' to review the guidelines and submit your work.

How Pia Prezelj Will Choose

Pia Prezelj will select from all qualified submissions with special consideration for the top voted entries. A qualified submission is one which meets all the Terms & Conditions, Guidelines and Official Rules.


  • The logo's mood/atmosphere has to correspond with Media Assets
  • The word 'Delirium' is not a required part of the logo. You choose whether or not it appears in your design
  • The artworks submitted must be original (meaning not using third party copyright materials)
  • It is advisable that the logo is minimalistic
Why I Chose This Brief

Another logo brief, as I have previously explained, I like the idea of working with logos. This brief seems to have scope to work with quite experimental typography, something I am also fond of. I also like the idea of working with a Photographer, as I feel photography is a weak subject of mine, but typography is my strong point. I feel that the combination of work by a photography and my typographic skills could produce something interesting. 


Design for O2 

#MakeYourMark on an iconic venue and have thousands of music fans see your work on a daily basis!

O2 are inviting all illustrators, fine artists, graphic designers, graffiti artists and photographers to create original artwork to appear in the main space of O2 Academy Glasgow.

4 winners will be selected by the judging panel, which includes Alex Kapranos from BRIT award-winning band Franz Ferdinand, to decorate the main room.

Glasgow is a mecca for music, but also has an equally vibrant creative arts scene. Now it's time for you visual thinkers to take centre stage at O2 Academy Glasgow.

When submitting your entries we’d like you to consider the following points:
  1. Glasgow’s rich music heritage
  2. The 10th anniversary of O2 Academy Glasgow
  3. O2’s core brand values which include being bold, open and clear
  4. The O2 Academy key colour palette (see Invite Pack below for full details)
Download the Invite Pack for more information, specs and photos. If you would like to use the template, you can download it here.

Host Choice O2's Choice

O2, the judging panel and Alex Kapranos will choose 4 winners who will:
  • Have their work displayed permanently in the main room of O2 Academy Glasgow
  • £1,000 each
  • 2 x tickets to a gig of their choice*
  • Promotion and publicity across O2’s channels
*Travel and accommodation not provided

People's Choice People's Choice

We respect the opinion of the public and the highest voted will certainly catch our eye. One highest voted artist will receive:
  • £500
  • 2 x tickets to a gig of their choice*
*Travel and accommodation not provided

Important Dates Get Involved

Submit by: August, 6 2013
Vote: August 7, 2013 - August 14, 2013
Winner(s) Announced: August 23, 2013
All phases of the creative invite will take place at 6pm GMT
Click 'Participate' to review the guidelines and submit your work.

How O2 Will Choose

O2 will select from all qualified submissions with special consideration for the top voted entries. A qualified submission is one which meets all the Terms & Conditions, Guidelines and Official Rules.


  • Download the specifications of the panels here which includes the template (optional). To download the print area and pictures of the panels, click here
  • This opportunity is open to UK and Ireland residents, if you are not from the UK or Ireland you understand and agree that you are not eligible for prizing
  • Participants may submit the below in a RGB colourscale:
    - Sketches
    - Illustrations
    - Paintings
    - 3D renderings
    - Digital mockups
  • Participants can only submit one original piece of work (this may be one design that works across 2 panels or 2 related designs that work across 1 panel each)
  • Entries can be pre-existing material created by the participant
  • Participants must include a description about themselves, their submission and how they have considered the 4 key points listed in the 'Details' section
  • Participants must join using an active email address so if chosen as a winner, they can be easily contacted
  • The winning design may be modified to accommodate production requirements
  • Inappropriate or harmful submissions will be removed
  • No purchase necessary
  • Participants that win prizes agree to their works being used as described in the 'Details' section. Participants that do not win, will not give up any rights to their work except in connection with the contest
  • Talenthouse reserves the right to disqualify participants who we believe are cheating the voting system as this is against the spirit of the Creative Invite
  • All submissions will be featured in digital galleries to promote your entry via public voting on Facebook and Twitter. Voting will give you additional exposure and recognition for your work as well as new fans and supporters. O2 will select the overall winners. The highest voted entry also receives a prize
Why I Chose This Brief

I have a strong interest in music and the music industry, and part of entering this live brief was being convinced by free tickets to any gig of choice. However, I also like the idea of producing work at large format, and if I was to win this competition, the posters would be. I also think it would be a great way to gain exposure, working with such a large client. 

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