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OUGD504 - Design for Web (2) - Website Initial Ideas

Initial Ideas

Below are my initial ideas for applying my Summer Brief research to my 'Design for Web' Brief. 

I started by looking at possible ideas for each of my summer brief research topics: 

The topic I chose to look into further is Punk music, and in particular, Punk Vinyls. I aim to produce a website which acts as an archive for Punk Vinyls. I feel this would be easy to work with, as my father owns a huge collection of Punk Vinyls.

I have decided the best audience to aim my weskit at would be men roughly the same age as my father; 40's - 60's. I feel this age bracket would appreciate the archive the most, as it could as a form of reference for either finding and buying vinyls or just to reminice. 

Answering Questions

For this session, we have been asked to answer 5 questions to do with our ideas for 'Design For Web':

What it your subject matter?

Punk Music - Specifically UK Punk late 70's / early 80's. This is due to my father having such a large collection, and likes to boast he has every Punk Vinyl he has ever wanted between 1978 and 1982. 

What are you trying to communicate?

- How a Punk related website can be functional and informative. (Existing websites in relation to Punk seem dated and not very functional - see Below)

- A vast collection of Punk Vinyls are not easily accessible via the internet, and neither is information about them. 

Who will be/could be your audience or 'end-user'?

- 'Punk Historians' - Either Middle Age Males / Females who have lost their collection of Punk in recent years or 16 + Males or Females with an interest in older music than their time. No specific social class. 

What will be the most appropriate/effective form of content?

- Mainly image based - A timeline of vinyls with their information about the band / record. 

What is the function and purpose?

- To build up an archive of Punk Vinyl information. I aim to inform and educate, as well as help users to find names of old EP's they intend to buy (not from my website, but to find online). 

We also had to think about the sector/industry we would be designing for:

- Music Industry

Questions To Ask Myself

Have I got an audience? - If i'm aiming my website at mainly middle age adults, can the older set of my audience (mid to late 50's) use my website well? - I could possibly design an app to match the website, but I need to find out how many people in their late 50's use smartphones. 

How will I separate my website from others that do a similar job? - I intend to make the website much more up to date, and easy to use. I also would like the website to both reflect the DIY side of Punk, but also be professional and highly functional. 

I will also analyse existing websites in order to separate myself. From initial research, I feel many websites are far too 'forum like'. 

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