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OUGD504 - Design For Print (35) - Creative Suite Session 4

 We had to work out issues with the above document. This is what we found, and how to solve it: 

 1. An image in RGB, when it should be in CMYK. You have to import into Photoshop directly through InDesign, and edit then save the image. 

2. An image has been scaled down too much. increasing it's resolution too much. The file is unnecasrraily large, and should be scaled down in Photoshop (just like above).  You can resize the image, as long as you then apply the scale back in Photoshop.

3. The text at the bottom has been printed using a registration colour. All you have to do is apply black. The separations preview panel will show your ink limit. Where there is more than 300 % ink, you get a warning. 

 4.  There is a Pantone swatch colour that is in the swatches, but not used. 

5. An image is saved as a JPG, not as a TIFF or Adobe PDF. Again, this can be edited in Photoshop, to be saved as either a PSD or a TIFF. You also have to relink the file afterwards.

6. Another image has been scaled, but without the resolution being changed. 

 7. An image has been scaled up:


8. An RGB swatch has been used. All you have to do is change the swatch colour mode to CMYK. 

9. An image isn't placed over the bleed. 

PDF options:

- 'High Quality Print' - Best for a digital printer. 
- 'Press Quality' - Best for commercial print. 
- 'Blurb PDF' - A preset for blurb, where you can send off your work to be printed. 

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