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OUGD505: New Research Topic & New Boards

After a crit with my classmates, I realised that 'Phonetics' could be a difficult research topic to work with. My boards displayed a huge amount of text, and contained complex linguistic vocabulary, something which unfortunately is necessary for Phonetics. 

There is very little imagery involved with phonetics, apart form complex diagrams, which cannot be understood easily. 

For Studio Brief 1, we have to produce a publication, and I feel that with Phonetics, I would have to produce a second publication for Studio Brief 2, which wouldn't be too exciting. 

I considered other things that have interested me, one of them being product design. 

Below you can see the areas which I considered looking into, with my chosen topic in bold: 

- Iconic product design
- The history of the chair
- Iconic British products
- The history of Alessi
- A brief history of the mobile phone

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