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OUGD505: Studio Brief 2 - Crit Feedback

Below you can see the feedback from my crit. Unfortunately, due to other modules, this brief hash;t had much work on it. The feedback relates to things I COULD include with the branding. 

1. What colour schemes would be suitable for an exhibition or Japanese product design?

- You could use the colours of the flag - including black for text - could give an aesthetic minimal approach. 

- I think that the more minimal and clean you can get, the better! Some of the images on pinterest are quite traditional and old - Japanese product design is very futuristic so I think an aesthetic to mirror this is best. 

- I agree, the colours of the Japanese flag would work really nicely. 

- Japanese flag colours or a flag scheme derived from a famous Japanese artist's work. Maybe Hokusai? 

- Japanese flag or similar schemes to Hirokazi Matsada work for Asahi KAsei homes in your publication. 

2. Should I include lots of Japanese typography?

- Yes that would be really interesting (x3)
- Japanese typography would be a great way to incorporate the traditional Japanese style. 
- Including Japanese typography would be a great way to convey a strong and honest sense of Japan. 
- Yes - Make sure to look at how Japanese typography encompasses layout and composition (in line with Graham's sessions)
- Yes but don't go overboard. Remember a lot of the audience won't be able to read it. 

3. Any specific images / aspects on Pinterest that would be suitable? (I had a tab open for a Pinterest board, for people to look at)

- Imagery that shows their culture could be interesting, as this is so strong and defines Japan, but definitely use Japanese type as well. 

4. Sans serif or serif to work next to Japanese type?

- I think along with Japanese type you would want to use a sans serif otherwise it would just be too much and you want the Japanese typography to stand out. 

- I would use sans serif. 

- Sans serif just because Japanese character are quite simple and don't have any tapers to cut offs. 

- I would say sans serif or a very minimal serifed typeface (maybe small slab serif) 

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