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OUGD404: Preparatory Layout Task

Before the lesson, we were given questions to answer for the rest of the class:

What are Grids, Columns, Gutters and Margins?

Grid: In terms of typography, a grid is a 2D structure made up of horizontal and vertical guides (they can also be diagonal). The grids use for a designer is to organise both body text and headers in a way they would like the information to be interpreted. In general, this is systematic and rational. However, some grids are used to create layout for aesthetic over function.

Column: These run vertically down the side, and can serve as the vertical axis to a grid. Similarly to grids, they are used as guides to line up type and image.

Gutter: The inside margin, normally left blank, between two facing pages of a spread. They are left clear to accommodated binding.­

Margin: An area of the page, usually on the left, left free to accommodate features such as numbers. Anything in the margin is left minimal, and used strictly for function.  

What are rulers, boxes, folio numbers and drop caps?

Folio Number: Another term for a page number.

Drop Caps: When the first letter of a sentence in boy text is enlarged. This is often seen in medieval transcripts

Rulers: A way of measuring a page to precise sizing.

Boxes: An area of space in which text or image can fill.

What is DPS and what does it do?

This stands for double page spread, and can be used for both function and aesthetic. DPS are often used to add variety to a publication. It can also be used to direct the readers attention.

What is Golden Section?

The golden ratio is also called the golden section (Latin: sectio aurea) or golden mean. Other names include extreme and mean ratio, medial section, divine proportion, divine section, golden proportion, golden cut, golden number, and mean of Phidias.
In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger quantity is equal tothe ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one. The figure on the right illustrates the geometric relationship. Expressed algebraically:

The Greek letter 'phi'  represents the golden ratio. Its value is:

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